Monday, January 31, 2011

Lab # 4 Digitizing in ArcGIS

Digitizing the Image of Iraq into ArcGIS was a very interesting process. Digitizing a country like Iraq allowed me to gain experience in digitizing points for the cities, polylines for the rivers, and polygons for the provinces.  In addition to the shapefiles that the lab asked me to make, I made a shapefile specifically for Baghdad, Iraq’s capital, in order to make it stand out and one for the international border, to highlight Iraq’s overall shape. Once I had everything digitized, I made the city names smaller and colored them green in order to distinguish them from the province names and colored the river names blue. 

After my experience with digitizing, I know why they say 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration. Digitizing was a unique experience because it was the first time we took data that wasn't formatted for ArcGIS and turned it into data that could be read and used in the program. There are many useful applications of digitizing and it will continue to be important so long as we continue to digitally map. 

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